How to build a home lab – Install Docker CE and Portainer CE using Ansible

I’ll show you how you can install Docker CE and Portainer CE in a virtual machine that you just created using the same Ansible playbook. I will also show a more secure way to give users access to the docker commands and log everything they run.

Hungarian version: Saját home lab készítése – Docker CE …
English blog post:…
Source code of previous episode:…
Final source code:…
Portainer CE:…
Docker CE installation on Ubuntu:…

00:00 – Intro and preview
01:05 – Improving previous playbooks and roles
04:31 – Dynamically created inventory groups
06:49 – Waitinf for the SSH connection
07:56 – Updating APT cache before using APT in the new VM
08:32 – Test the dynamicly created inventory group
09:29 – docker role overview
10:19 – Install Docker CE
19:06 – Log all docker commands een when run by VSCode
25:01 – Install Portainer CE to have a Web-based GUI for containers
27:20 – Access Portainer CE through SSH tunnel
28:20 – Initializing Portainer CE
28:45 – Use application templates in Portainer CE
30:33 – Conclusion

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